Nepal 1st Traditional Buddhist Art College

University Certified Bachelor Course in Sculpture, Paubha Painting and Repousse Work


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Welcome to Aksheswar Traditional Buddhist Art College

In collaboration with Lumbini Buddhist University and Aksheswar Mahabihar


Traditional Buddhist Art of Nepal has been practiced since thousands of years by the indigenous artists of Kathmandu Valley. It’s a well known fact that this unique traditional art has engraved its significance throughout the world. In the present artistic global scenario, the world of art seems incomplete without its presence. The aesthetic beauty inherent in this beautiful form of art known as Newah Art and it is well appreciated by all the art lovers, art connoisseur as well as laypersons. Traditional Newah Art is not only limited to its aesthetic beauty, it also familiarize us with the Buddhist Philosophy. By transferring Buddhist philosophy inherent in this classical art to implement them in one’s practical life can balance their spiritual satisfaction and physical happiness to improve the life of all sentient beings.

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Artwork Courses & Experience

Paubha Painting

Paubha is derived from the term Patrabhattaraka later came to be known as Paubha. Nepal Brihat Shabdakosh defines ‘Pauba’ as a traditional form of painting gods. A paubha is created mainly to record an event, worship a personal deity or a deity in a temple, for a guthi, for meditative purposes and to obtain blessing after completion of a certain action.

Mandala Painting

Mandalas [circle of fire & depict a “bird’s-eye view”] are sacred maps that symbolize the abode of a diety and/or represent the universe.


A sculpture is a form of art that has been around for thousands of years, and it’s an art that can be created in a variety of materials, such as stone, wood, bronze, and more. A sculpture can be made for almost any purpose, and it can also be used in a variety of ways, such as decorating a home or even serving as a work of art in a museum.

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